Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Slippery Slope of Middle Age

This past December marked my 43rd birthday. Most of the time I don’t feel 43. In fact, I’ve heard that 40 is the new 30. I try to keep up with the times. I don’t wear elastic-waisted “mom jeans” and I’m on facebook along with my kids. But I’ve come to believe that the overused phrase “Over the Hill” was originally intended for those turning 40. Statistically, if we are supposed to live until we’re roughly 80, then I’d say 40 is the top of that hill. It’s literally middle age. We’re standing at the peak, looking down. Nothing makes me feel older though, than the rapid deterioration of my body. I hit 40 and wham! I couldn’t read books that weren’t held out to the furthest point of my arm. I got shin splints for the first time in my life. That was also the year of the melanoma scare. I started getting aches and pains I never knew could exist. Suddenly, I couldn’t scrub the shower without an achy shoulder. I couldn’t do push-ups with my workout videos without my newly discovered tennis elbow flaring up and I couldn’t play tennis without a sore neck the next day. My feet and knees snap, crackle and pop as I get out of bed. I know that I’m not the only one that has experienced this phenomenon. Many of my friends discovered the wonder of bi-focals and achy joints after turning forty. My husband has even broken down and gotten readers. Those pesky surgeries and procedures start popping up for everyone. My friend, Tracy said that after 40 she went for her annual physical only to leave the dr. office with 3 more appointments. My friend Stephanie is already looking at a hip replacement. A hip replacement? We are the same age! Talk about a reality check. I recently took the Dr. Oz Real Age Test and it had me at age 37. I didn’t think that was too shabby. Sometimes I even try to convince myself that I have the body of a teenager. One day I thought I’d show Sammy how I could still do a backbend from a standing position. Have you ever seen stars before? I actually don’t mind being in my 40’s. It’s a time of life that comes with a lot of wisdom gained through prior experiences. My marriage is solid and my kids are independent. I can laugh at myself more and I’m not afraid of the second half of life. So with my calendar full of doctor’s appointments, I’ll strap on my skis and head down that hill wearing my stylish jeans and bi-focals and thanking God for every day he blesses me with.

This column was published January, 2011

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