Saturday, March 3, 2018

Adjusting to Empty Nest, Part 2

           “I can tell you don’t have any kids in the house,” my friend Krista said after I showed her the video I had taken of my dog, Betsy learning to jump over a broomstick in the hallway of my house. It’s true. I’m that person. The person who has taken to teaching her dog “stupid pet tricks” to keep herself entertained now that the children have left the nest. I had posted a video on Facebook about how addictive it (social media) is and how people who are experts in making casinos addictive are hired by Facebook to make it just as addictive. When I sent that video to my son Robby he replied, “You’re the one with the chicken pictures.” Yup. Guilty. The first warm day we had, I opened the chicken coop, took pictures of my chickens happily walking around on top of it, then created a photo collage to post on Instagram. Last week I posted a picture of one of my chickens standing next to the grill with the caption,
“You do NOT want to know what goes on in there, Gerrie. #theuglytruth, #chickenlove, #backyardchickens.”
My friends have been having a good time pointing out that my new interest in dog training (check out the video of my dog putting 6 tennis balls in a plastic tub) is a sign of my current state of empty-nest syndrome. After the feeling of initial sadness went away, I felt like I was adjusting quite well. And even though I felt pretty good, (even counting the after-Christmas crying jag when the boys left), I noticed that I had been unconsciously behaving in ways that might indicate that I was filling some holes, left by our now absent children.
·      We eat frozen dinners more than I care to admit. I used to cook a lot. But now that it’s just the two of us, eating out and frozen dinners are just easier.
·      I have almost totally replaced my wardrobe with purchases from Zulily and Lularoe. I didn’t realize it was happening until I began getting what seemed like one new piece of clothing per day (some stuff I didn’t even like). Between September and October I had accumulated enough items to wear something new to work every day for 3 weeks. That prompted a trip to Good Will with a big basket of clothes.
·      I am taking lots and lots of pictures and videos of my dog, cats, and chickens and then posting them on Instagram or boring my friends and colleagues by insisting that they watch just one more home movie of my dog playing with the cat.
But some good things have happened too. I have started working out again. Tom and I are getting out more and the house stays cleaner, longer. We are going to do some traveling to places other than the Upper Peninsula. Everyone said that empty next would be hard, but we’d not only adjust, but like it, and we have. So if you see me around, it will be pretty easy to tell that I don’t have kids in the house anymore. I’ll be the one wearing a new outfit, showing people pictures of my animals on my phone.

Everyday Heroes Come in Many Different Forms

It doesn’t happen very often, but when it does, it has the potential to completely derail my entire day. I forgot my coffee. I’m not really a coffee-snob, but my coffee has to be a certain way, with a certain kind and amount of sugar (Sugar in the Raw) and a certain kind and amount of creamer (Silk vanilla soy creamer) in a certain container (Yeti or Hydroflask) so that it stays drinking temperature until I finish it at lunch. On this particular day, when I sat all of my things down on my chair and my desk, I realized it immediately. “Please,” I pleaded with myself, “tell me that I simply left it in the car,” but I knew I hadn’t. It was at home. I had a distraction as I got ready to head out the door in the form of a cone-of-shame on the head of a particular hotspot-chewing dog who shall remain nameless (Betsy). In my defense, the coffee wasn’t in its usual container, so maybe it didn’t catch my eye like it usually does. So there it sat, at home, the unfortunate waste of some good caffeine that I regularly need to get me from 8:10-11:20. There was one other distraction that particular morning. I had decided to make some minestrone, (a new recipe), in the crockpot. When dinner distracts my morning routine, things are bound to go amiss. When I discovered the potential disruption of my day, I started the series of steps it takes to regain the day’s momentum. First, a call to Robby, “Have you gone by the house yet? Any chance you can stop by and…Oh, you’re already at work?…OK…Thanks anyway.” Then, to the cupboard for plan B, which is instant Starbucks, and a packet of a Sugar in the Raw look-alike, to be put together in a standby Tervis that I keep in my classroom for one such emergency as this. The only problem I had was the creamer. While the water was heating I went from one potential source to the next, looking for not powered creamer, but liquid. I knew I couldn’t score on my soy creamer, but the next best substitute came from an everyday hero. Jessa couldn’t help overhearing my pleas for liquid creamer in the front office (I know, because school secretaries have nothing better to do first thing in the morning than to get a frantic teacher liquid creamer). “Do you like vanilla creamer?” she asked, “I have some in my classroom. You’re welcome to help yourself.” Saved! I praised her with thanks and blessings and headed off to her classroom to finish putting together my emergency replacement coffee just in time for the arrival of my first class. Forgetting one’s coffee might not seem like a big deal to some people, but to me, it is such a big deal that a creamer-toting friend can be considered a hero, and on the rare occasion that it happens, if she’s there with creamer-in-hand. She’ll be a hero to me.

Christmas Confession

I have a confession to make. Last month I wrote about decorating for Christmas and said that I “had” decorated after Thanksgiving. The way t...