Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Why I'll never be a Tidy Person

Why I’ll Never be a Tidy Person

The title of a blog caught my attention as I wasted some time on my monthly Facebook
check-in. It’s called “5 Things People with Tidy Homes Don’t Do” by Cozy Minimalist.
That article was really intriguing to me, so much so that I haven’t stopped thinking
about it since I read it. I’ve always wanted to be a tidy person. I’m envious of people
who can keep their homes in a constant state of tidiness, no matter what time of day.
You know the type.
These are the people who don’t have to frantically vacuum, dust, and pick up when
some texts to say they’re dropping by to drop off this or that. Maybe you are that person.
I most definitely am not. But I aspire to be. So I read the article wondering if I could pick
up some tips for myself on what not to do, and therefore become a tidy person in the

Here are the 5 things people with tidy homes don’t do:

Tidy People don’t act like a slob all day, and then get their house tidy in one fell swoop
Tidy People Don’t Run out of Cleaning Supplies.
Tidy People never let the sun go down on their filth
Tidy People don’t store things on the floor
Tidy People don’t over decorate

Some of these made sense to me, but some didn’t. I get that you can’t act like a slob all day and
then suddenly pull it altogether. I’ve been trying to walk around and pick things up as I go. That
stray water glass on the side table, or the dog toys on the living room floor are getting more attention
from me. I’m not sure about tidy people not running out of cleaning supplies. Doesn’t everyone keep
Lysol spray and toilet bowl cleaner under the sink in the bathroom? I might not always use it, but I do
always have it. I also wonder about number 5. I think by “over decorate” the author means “too many
nick-nacks.” Too much of anything can look like clutter. My problem here is more of an eclectic mix of
things that don’t go together, rather than too much. Number 4 surprised and shamed me all at the
same time. I am so guilty of storing things on the floor. I mean, if they are attractively arranged, why
can’t I keep my orange muscle roller and my Tru-Back next to the couch? As I write this I look over
and the neck massaging pillow is peeking out from behind a chair, and yes, it’s on the floor. Before I
sat down to write this, I picked up the dog’s toy basket and put it on a shelf, misplacing the magazine,
file folder, and iPad keyboard that had taken up that space. I replaced one tidy person faux pas with
another. I could add about 3 more to that list of what tidy people don’t do, because I’m a pro at what
not to do to be called a tidy person. So I guess I have a decision to make. I can either put forth the
effort to become a tidy person, or stop reading articles that make me feel bad about not being a tidy
person. Sorry Cozy Minimalist, I’ll do the dishes tomorrow.

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