Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Global Warming is Real

I am finally a believer in the theory of global warming. You are probably thinking to yourself
that it has something to do with the fact that I’m now over 50, but I can assure you that global
warming is for real. Not only global warming, but temperature extremes. For years I have
considered both sides of the issue, but between the cooler summers and long Northern
Michigan winters, I just couldn’t commit to the idea that our planet’s temperature is rising.
I  wasn’t convinced that the planet was warming when the entire summer stayed chilly.
In fact, I came up with an idea for a T shirt that said “Anxiously Awaiting Global Warming”
(when it was still snowing in April). Still, the theory of global warming is a hotly contested topic.
Depending on what side of the aisle you lean, you might not completely agree with one side or
the other. I know I didn’t. However, In the past few months I have been provided with the
evidence I needed to substantiate the existence of global warming.
Let me present the facts:

There have been increasing instances of fluctuating heat. I’m going about my own business
and suddenly it is so hot, I’m literally peeling off layers.

I have had to purchase thin pajamas because the sweltering heat that I’m experiencing in the
middle of the night has me drenched with sweat. Tom says he doesn’t know what I’m talking about,
but he’s just in denial. Global warming is real.

Even though winter is upon us and it’s been snowing like crazy, I can’t even look at my heavy
sweaters. If I’m not sweating in the morning when I’m getting dressed, I know I’ll definitely be
sweating when the temperature randomly increases at intervals throughout the day.

That being said, I can’t only blame global warming for this constant and unexplainable heat; I also
blame faulty thermostats. The thermostat at our house can’t seem to keep things at a constant,
comfortable temperature. One minute I’m snuggled up on the couch with fuzzy socks and a cozy
blanket, the next moment I’m kicking off the blanket and socks and turning on the ceiling fan.  It’s
the same at work. I’m cold, I’m hot, I’m cold, I’m hot. When I ask my co-workers if they are
sweltering, they say they aren’t. They must be in denial too. So take it from me, I wasn’t always a
believer, but now I am. There is such a thing as global warming, even if I’m the only one in the room
experiencing it.

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