Friday, June 7, 2019

I'm Starting to 'Lose It!'

Over the last 6 months or so, I’ve found myself in need of some extra assistance when it comes to my diet and exercise routine. Fortunately, there is help available in the form of phone apps for just this sort of need. The one I have been using is called “Lose it!” and just the name itself was enough to get me interested. It’s basically a calorie counting app that also figures in your exercise and allows you to track how you’re doing in terms of your weight & fitness goals. You can use the free or paid version. I’ve been using the free version until I decide whether or not it’s worth the $29.99 yearly subscription price. I got started because I was having a difficult time losing that pesky 10 pounds before my son’s wedding. The cool thing about this app is that I can simply scan the bar codes on the back of the food or drink containers and it immediately logs in what I consumed and calculates calories and applies them towards my daily goal. My goal was set based on how much I currently weigh and how much I want to weigh. The really handy thing is that it remembers what I eat from day to day, so I can just grab “Larabar and coffee with cream and sugar” every day without re-scanning. Once I realized that my problem wasn’t that my body just has a slow metabolism, but that my fork-to-mouth ratio was higher than I estimated, I was forced to find some loopholes in the system, otherwise I’d never make my daily goals. One thing I discovered right away is the more I exercise, and the higher the intensity, the more calories get put-back onto my daily calorie allowance. For instance, if I take a “slow” morning walk for at least 20 minutes, I only have X-number of calories left for the day, but if I up the intensity of that same walk to “brisk/moderate incline” on the app, hey! I just built in enough calories for a snack! Same thing goes for food. If I don’t like the number of calories that a certain brand of soup has, I just scroll for a different brand of soup with lower calories. Now I can have 2 servings instead of one. I also found out that the difference between a “large honey crisp apple” and a “medium apple” is 34 calories. An apple’s an apple, right? So I’ll do myself a favor and log the medium apple and add on another mini Snickers. Apparently, I kill my daily calorie count with evening snacking and portion size at dinner. So I just don’t even bother logging those. Who wants to get discouraged just before going to bed? For now, the jury is still out on “Lose it!” I’m not sure how to rate it because I really haven’t lost any weight. I better save the $29.99 because I’m going to need to buy bigger pants. It must be my slower than average metabolism

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